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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of july

so Monday i made the Root Beer. i didn't have a container that was big enough so i used scaled recipe i did a 5/6th version for the container i have. Before you read any further i have to say always be safe with dry ice here are some helpful guidelines.

  • 6 cups white sugar
  • 3 1/3 gallons cold water
  • 1 (2 ounce) bottle root beer extract
  • 4 pounds dry ice
i didn't have anything to measure a gallon of watter in so i looked for the largest thing i had to do measurements with is a 6 pint bowl. so i had to figure out that pints in 3 and 1/3 gallons. quick Internet search comes up with 1 US gallon = 8 US pints. so that's about 26.667 i just went with the 27. the container will only hold 24 pints.  its not exact measurements but its close and this isn't space travel. so rounding is OK. so from there i just did 5/6 of the other ingredients. it went very well, we will be making this again.

A friend made a cake, it was good i toke this pic of it:

another friend of ours toke this pic of some burgers that were very well done, we ended up cooking burgers inside though cause the propane tank ran out and we didn't think to check it in advance. lol:

we all had allot of fun we had some smoke bombs, sparklers and Romain candles. it was a late evening, we also had hot dogs, baked beans, deviled eggs, lemon ice cream pie, chips dip, and semi homemade strawberry lemonade. we just toke lemonade concentrate and pureed strawberries and added them