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Monday, June 27, 2011

Just because i have to put something here.

So Friday we did pizza. Nothing special, friends came over we had drinks. Played video games Dance Central, Halo Reach, Perfect Dark, Child of Eden.

Saturday we just did tomato soup and grilled cheese, sat at home all day watched TV, movies and generally laziness. funny story is when i was a kid i thought people were saying girl cheese sandwich's. i am not sure where or why i thought that. or even when i realised it was grilled.
Sunday Roy made chicken Byran. It was yummie.
tonight we did subway. i miss them have provolone.

side note i am watching the ABC Family TV show Switched at Birth. unnamed girl says to one of the main character's how she doesn't understand the two girls don't even look the same. the response was "you do know the difference between switched at birth and separated at birth right?"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

This will be short.

Number4 came to town to visit. 2 kids a bf and a dog. We had a blast. made buffalo burgers. It was nice. We had a lot of fun. Didn't use to much spice don't really need anything with Buffalo. Got a couple of buffalo steaks so every one could try them. It was a nice evening showed grandma what this hole facebook thing is.
Last night we did lasagna. Just used up left over red sauce from a couple of nights ago.
Like I said short. Good night.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Garden Pasta Pasta, and Lemon Pepper Shrimp.

(-Mushrooms, Cashews, and Pasta + Couscous, and Bell Pepper)

A while back i had made couscous for Roy he didn't care for it to much thought it was rather dry. i really enjoy it so i was looking around online for recipes. i found this one on fox news. there was a slide show (click link to view). i thought the dish looked good and would do well with couscous.
also we aren't fans of mushrooms so we didn't use them, i used a bell pepper.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


OK 3rd time is a charm.  Lesson learned I am saving as a draft as I go.

Newest phone the T-mobile, Samsung Sidekick 4G (SK4G) has an optical DPad on the right hand side, right were my hand slides over some times while typing. So the second attempt to post this my hand fat (lol)  erased. The first time I was righting it at lunch and I deleted it cause I hit delete not save. It happens also what I get for tiring to do this in a rush, at lunch and in the few minutes between talking to my Dad on fathers day, my Gma about number4 her two kids and her boyfriend coming to visit, my best friend and her new Nook and how much fun it is that she has the option of adult videos on demand on it if she so chooses to, and a friend/coworker showing up for dinner just any moment now.