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Sunday, June 19, 2011


OK 3rd time is a charm.  Lesson learned I am saving as a draft as I go.

Newest phone the T-mobile, Samsung Sidekick 4G (SK4G) has an optical DPad on the right hand side, right were my hand slides over some times while typing. So the second attempt to post this my hand fat (lol)  erased. The first time I was righting it at lunch and I deleted it cause I hit delete not save. It happens also what I get for tiring to do this in a rush, at lunch and in the few minutes between talking to my Dad on fathers day, my Gma about number4 her two kids and her boyfriend coming to visit, my best friend and her new Nook and how much fun it is that she has the option of adult videos on demand on it if she so chooses to, and a friend/coworker showing up for dinner just any moment now.

On from my random ranting and on too my topic at hand. This week I tasked Roy and I with finding new recipes to try (please submit ideas.) Starting Friday I want to cook at least five dinners at home a week. I know its just five but its more then then ten or so a month we were doing before, its not over barring goal. So I will be going over some of these recipes with you. Most likely you will see the best and the worst, and maybe every so often when we have dinner guest ill get a guest writer or make them give me quotes on the food? We will see were this goes. I mean I love food I a a fat kid inside (and apparently my right hand). I will all so be revisiting the recipes that we have done all ready and have enjoyed... or if I come a cross one we tried before and REALLY REALLY didn't like ill let you in on that also why it hasn't been used again. I will plan on writing on at least three recipes a week. Now I might do more any given week, and I might write all three on Friday (my day that is all about me). It all depends on the week and how it goes. Maybe Roy will write one every so often. I will also figure out away to make my red sauce a recipe not just put stuff in pan add more stuff till looks pretty and warm up. Last part of my hole food thing is I will be honest about how many dinners I make at home, and how many we ate out for.

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