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Sunday, February 13, 2011


Its gone... For now... 6 more inches on this last wens didn't take any pictures. Lets hope its over back to work in the am. I love looking at but not being in snow.

A friend recently suggested my writers block could be mental chatter and to write for at least 30 min unrelated to my plot before spending time on my plot.

Had a good day off with Roy, saw Dad also. Went to Olive Garden for dinner and get this my sister, Number5 almost did to (except the wait was to long and shes almost about to pop with her third kid and well word to the unwise never NEVER mess with a pregnant laddies dinner she will cut you.). She and i tend to have related dinners even though we live 481ish miles as part. Seriously like ill call her as were cooking red sauce at the same time.

Well I'm past being able to really type. Or spell or idk why I'm even in this app on my phone. Speaking of, this app doesn't have spell check.  Max (friend, and former coworker) and I were at this training thing once for work. they said that spell check was on and if things was wrong it wasn't there fault. Then drew a box with a check in the corner.

OK I'm done p.s. Blue tooth hearing aids A++.  Just a random thought. Nigh Nigh


  1. I write 3 pages in the morning. It can be whatever comes to mind. Most of it is babble and helps me clear my mind. Sometimes lists of things I need to do that day or ideas for projects to start.

    One day I didn't want to write and thought I didn't have anything to write about. So I wrote three pages worth of things that were in the room with me and descriptions of them.

    Every once and a while (not to often) there is something that I think is of worth to keep. But it keeps me writing even when I don't want to. (try a page of I don't have anything to write today and don't want to write, silly I know. LOL)

    Oh, I use paperback journals; I might want to burn them one day. LOL

  2. one time the summer between 3rd and 4th grade a burnt my journal in the fire place with a friend form school. mom got upset, because what if i wanted to read it when i was older or give it to my kids. the reason i burnt it though was the last story we had read in school thats what the charecter did to there's lol
