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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Drum Roll Please....

For at least a month now, my sister and I have been promising Jacob we'd come over to write down his recipe for Red Sauce. After making plans and having to cancel at the last minute, we decided to do it tonight. I have to tell you though, making Red Sauce, while entertaining a 4 1/12 month old, fighting with a puppy, chasing a two year old, and constantly reminding Jacob to measure, can be very difficult. But, somehow, it's been accomplished! Here we have it, the coveted recipe for Red Sauce.

Jacob's Infamous Red Sauce 
(with every ingredient in the spice cabinet but cinnamon.)

First things first, the base for the sauce: 

3 29oz cans of tomato sauce
1 28oz can diced tomatoes
2/3 cup of diced red onion
6 cloves of minced garlic
1 heaping tbsp chives
1/4 tsp of chili powder
1/2 tsp of thyme
1/2 tsp of sage
1 tsp of oregano
1 tsp of basil
2 tbsp of parsley
1 tbsp of Italian seasoning
1/2 tsp of red wine vinegar
1 1/2 tsp of balsamic vinegar

Mix ingredients into a pot and simmer on low.

Next, the meat:

1/3  cup diced red onion
1/4 tsp  fennel seed
4 cloves of minced garlic
1/2 tsp lemon pepper
1 lb of ground beef
1 lb of itailan sausage
In a separate skillet, mix ingredients (if you have a ‘Roy’ have him do it, because he makes the meat perfect!). Cook on medium high, until the meat is thoroughly done. Mix into sauce. Simmer the sauce and the meat together on low for about two hours, stirring occasionally. Mix sauce with pasta and serve! Don’t forget to enjoy!

We've found that this recipe is good for almost 8 servings. If you decide 8 is too much, I recommend not cutting it in half, instead, save the rest of the sauce for later. Like chili, it just keeps tasting better! 

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cupcake challenge ::: week 9

This is going to be super short. The theme was soda this week so we went with crush we toke a simple white cake mix, used soda instead of water. Oragne and Strawberry the strabbery batter was thicker. Mom helped me make them we left them in NE with Number3 and kids. Didn't even end up with time to frost them. Lol.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bayliss Park.

This is in downtown Councel Bluffs Iowa. We just got here I toke these photos and wanted to share them. Lloyd, Roy, and I are having fun!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We had a visitor!

Dingo was all crouching tiger and sniffing at the grill, i saw something move out of the corner of my eye. i have seen snakes around here so i gab the dog and put her inside. look behind the grill and its this cute little thing. we put it in a box and toke her to the closest vet they said that it might not need to be feed at all but they will check it out for a few days before they just release it.  there are more photos after the break.

Monday, May 21, 2012

"I have $.85 will you give me a dollar."

This is what Gma said to roy today. She had asked me to go get her a soda and a snack from the vending machine. Which I was excited to because she had just finished dinner and was still hungry which is a good sign as far as I am concerned. When I came back and gave her the change she didn't want to keep track of it so she says in her sweet old lady voice to Roy requesting the exchange of her change for a whole bill so its easier to keep track of. Not only did he give her what she wanted he gave her two additional singles just in case. Gma promptly pulled out what looked to be a large wad of cash added the ones and shoves it all in her jacket. This made me smile and laugh cause one Roy has only ever seen the sweet side of my Gma and says all the time idk why any of you think she ever had attitude, and two cause even at her age she is getting more money from men then what she is given them for it.

As I am writing this Roy's reading it. And laughing I told him what its true you got suckered by the old lady voice. She is doing so much better and I think she is really enjoying all the attention she is getting now, not that my dad wasn't caring for her its just only so much he can do plus no daily interaction with more then just one person can get boring.
Btw this wasn't the idea I had for the post today but i just couldn't help myself it was to funny

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend wrap up!

Friday Roy's Uncle passed he had been in the hospital for a while it was expected. If that wasn't bad enough at the moment he received the call he was going outside with the dog. The electric company had been in our yard and didn't close the gate. Thankfully Dingo just ran down the street ans right back home.  I understand they don't know if we have a dog, but still they could simply leave things the way they were. some friends came over and hung out!

Yesterday we went to see Gma then to my company picnic, then to Mayfest, then dinner with a friend. It was a good day lots of walking! Today we were lazy. I look forward to our trip this week! Btw Dingo was acting odd tonight, like something scared her. Usually she sleeps on the outside of the bed but tonight had to sleep in the middle. Its so strange how human they can be even though they look so different. Even there organs, its just so strange to me.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Why i chose to not blog this weekend

Friday I was going to fallow number 2's  idea and do fur baby Friday for a theme post, how ever this Friday I felt lazy. I had a wonderful lunch with a friend and her baby. Her sister, also a friend of mine wasn't feeling well so we gave her some time with out kid and toke him with us too. After lunch we hung out for a few hours it was fun when I got home Roy's mom was on his minds we had a slow evening.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cupcake Challenge!

So number 2 as mentioned before does a weekly cupcake challenge I have decided to join in on the fun this is my first week her seventh. This week the theme is Mothers day! My inspiration is this recipe Roy's mom gave me before she passed. Its for. Pumpkin roll, I decided I'd make it into cupcakes.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Meow and Woof Monday?

Well if I planing on doing Wordless Wednesday I can't just do Meow Monday and not include the Puppy Monster. I guess I could to Meow Monday and Woof Wednesday? Ideas? Suggestions? Comments? Hecklyings? Opinion?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wordless Wensday Meow Monday and other blog events.

On several blogs I fallow they do certain things on different days of the week. A schedule of events to always have something to look forward to. It even goes over to social media, for example on Twitter there is Follow Friday where people share who there favorite people they fallow are to get others fallow as well.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Puppy Monster and The Wasp

So I was cleaning out the gutters on the house the other day, I had taken a much needed extra day off work thought I'd spend some time on the house. So I grabbed the things I needed did the back of the house and decided I'd tie Dingo to the beams across the front of the house so I loop her leash clip it on her open the door and invite her out (I use that term lightly cause she doesn't just yet fully understand the concept).

May the 4th be with you!

Its star wars day! Not really much I have to say about that topic just think fun to say!
Last weekend one of my best friends Kim married Weldon (Roy's brother) it was at this old library in Ada a small town in southern Oklahoma where Roy's family is from. Its now the Ada Arts & Heritage Center. You can see in the photos of the place the care that has gone into the building over the years.