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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wordless Wensday Meow Monday and other blog events.

On several blogs I fallow they do certain things on different days of the week. A schedule of events to always have something to look forward to. It even goes over to social media, for example on Twitter there is Follow Friday where people share who there favorite people they fallow are to get others fallow as well.

Monday: MoJo, My Town, Meow, Math, Money, Mobile, Meals, Meatless
Tuesday: TMI, Technique, Tech,Top Trades, Tips, Tricks
Wednesday: Whimsical, Winter, Wordless
Thursday: Theme, Teaching, Thrifty
Friday: Flashback, Fiber Farmgirl, Frugal, Fallow
Saturday: Super

Meow Monday: I saw this on one of my favorite food blogs every Monday she posts photos of her cats! There super cute. Its always a bright moment of the day for me.

Wordless Wednesday : both siblings number 2 and 5 have made posts under this. Its a simple yet super idea, post a photo no description

Flashback Friday: they take photos and videos from the past and post them.

Fiber Friday: number 2 and 5 have done this also. Its all about clothe. Knitting, sawing and crouching. Not my area of enjoyment. But fun nonetheless to look at.

Mobile Monday: this is more of a being mobile meeting in person kind of thing and a lot of people give this credit as the first of the weekly day post.

Technique Tuesday: is about crafts.

TMI Tuesday: I can only imagine I haven't really looked into this one just yet.

Super Saturday: arts and crafts in general but really could apply to just about anything your interested in.

I guess just about any Tuesday or Thursday could be switched. Also no regular ideas out there for Sundays what does that say about bloggers?

Now on a side now I've seen some monthly things also like First Friday, Third Thursday, Second Tuesday. Mostly these are in reference to events that happen monthly not on a date though.

The food blog mentioned:
Number's 2 blog:
Number's 5 blog:


  1. I love the theme days and blog carnivals. I sometimes say I'd like to participate In them more. I just don't want to make the time right now.
