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Monday, May 7, 2012

Meow and Woof Monday?

Well if I planing on doing Wordless Wednesday I can't just do Meow Monday and not include the Puppy Monster. I guess I could to Meow Monday and Woof Wednesday? Ideas? Suggestions? Comments? Hecklyings? Opinion?

The order goes TingTing, BabyDaddy, Tucker, Breanna, Dingo, and Clover. In the order I was able to get photos of them in. Lol.


  1. They are cute! You could do wordless woof Wednesdays.

    1. W3, reminds me of W5 the kids news program that was on Nick, answering the who, what, where, when, and why. lol...

  2. Your fur kids are cute! Is Tucker scared or having a static fur day?

    1. thank you, Tucker has crazy hair everyday! people say he looks like a lion, if so he would be the cowardly lion. he is just a tad paranoid if he doesn't like the way your holding your phone while texting he will run and hide. he gets to feeling like he is lost if he is separated from TingTing for long and will cry till TingTing finds him.
