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Friday, June 1, 2012

Cupcake challenge ::: Week 10

This week its Blueberries!
 I am not a fan of processed fruits, I know people think I am crazy all the time. I don't eat pies so don't ask lol... But seriously I am a total picky picky person on my fruits. So I was going to use the blueberries to make the frosting but Roy was interested in the blueberries in them. So the plan was to do half with them in the cupcakes and the other half with them in the frosting.

I just used a boxed cake mix fallowed as directed. Made the ones with out the berries first then added the berries and made those.

I then made the frosting and split it. I ran some berries in the magic bullet and added them to half of it. Well I say half turned out just less then half. So I ended up with two berry filled cupcakes with berry frosting on them.

I over mixed the cake mix so there super fluffy and airy they almost collapsed in my hands while frosting. They are good though!