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Friday, June 8, 2012

Flashback Fridays

The summer after i graduated (witch was ten years ago now lol) i went on a road trip with My Dad, Gma, and Gpa. this was from Wichita Falls TX to Los Angeles CA. we were out there for the better part of the month of June. we didn't go straight out to L.A. though we made some stops along the way.

First stop was the Petrified Forest i toke a lot of photos on the trip but some how over the years i have seemed to have lost them all but this one. its one my Dad. Gma and Gpa hardly even got out of the truck they just sat in there and waited for dad and i to come back. we walked to the bottom of this hill it was about a 100 yards. I remember i had some photos of drawing in some of the stones. it was a fun day. i would like to go back again and have more then just a few hours to walk around.

After that we went to the Grand Canyon again Gma, and Gpa never really got out of the truck. the only time they did at either place was to look at the gift shop. but Gma was worried. dad and i were climbing around and poking our heads out over the edge and she was just freaked out we were going to fall into the Grand Canyon. there was this advertisement for a train tour i want to go back some day and go n the train ride.

we spent time in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, and Galt California. Most of the time we spent in Los Angeles but the drive down the 101 coastal hwy from Los Angeles to  San Francisco was so nice. Another trip i plan to make again. We ate lunch in  San Francisco and spent what seemed like for ever on the Golden Gate Bridge cause we got on it during rush hour. we spent some time in Sacramento and Galt visiting family. I learned how to make Yarn from my Aunt while in Galt and ended up using that as my how to demonstration in speech class in college.


  1. I remember when we went to the Petrified Forest the first time. It was a neat place. Someday I'd like to take Route 66 from Chicago to LA.

  2. Lloyd and I have some great pics of the Grand Canyon, South Rim, and Angel's Falls trail. We ARE going back again :)
