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Saturday, June 2, 2012


So I have two ideas for what to do on Fridays.

Flashback Friday. I would go through old photos, awards, and things. Write about them. Might even get some people to guest blog for me about a memory they have about a photo, or object.

Fur baby Friday. Pics of the animals since I felt a little strange about Meow Monday and including the dog in it.

I am typically off on Fridays who is to say I can't and won't post both, or do every other. I really like both ideas. What about you?

also i am testing the schedule future with this i wrote this in advance and it will hopefully post when i have it set to!
So it didn't work user error. shameful lol.... I'll try again sometime.


  1. I like both ideas, do them both! I'd love to see what old pictures you have. I will do Flashback Fridays with you, but no fur babies here.
